Why I got into yoga... Hear from Hannah, Founder - A Fine Balance (Mental Health Awareness Week)

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Why I opened AFB #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

In 2015/16, I had a breakdown due to a variety of factors from not having the right life~work balance to childhood trauma and other pressures.

I didn’t know how to support my mental health, I’d been severely anxious for months... and then one day, it all bubbled over like a pressure cooker. I started work that day, tried to read my emails and physically couldn’t. It was like my brain had shut down and said 'no more'.

The doctor signed me off work for three months followed by a long phased-return to my then full time job in Corporate Responsibility.

During my recovery, I got more into yoga - I practiced asana and meditation everyday... often 3 times a day. It gave me space, time for connection and healing. I took medication and had twice weekly therapy (121 and group therapy). I took time to learn the tools to get better. I also trained to be a yoga teacher, which helped me on the path to living more aligned to my values.

It was during that time, the idea for A Fine Balance was born with a desire to help others find balance in life.

Yoga is more than exercise: it’s a framework to guide life (yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharna, dhyāna). It’s given me the awareness of what really matters, my values and the need to align to them (it’s not perfect - I still compare/despair/worry).

It’s a continuous process - I’ve more awareness when thoughts are taking over. I try to take time out to rest and recharge when things are starting to get too much. Been harder recently with a new baby and not getting enough sleep - I’ve noticed those signs of poor mental health creeping in but now know what I need to do to feel better.

My top tip = continuous self-study (Svādhyāya): learn yoga philosophy and how it can improve your life - understand why you get caught in conflicting thoughts/emotions and learn the tools to help you let go. I also believe therapy and taking medication are important too.

💙Does yoga support your mental health, I’d love to hear your story? If you have not yet tried yoga and have any questions, I would be happy to help.

At A Fine Balance, we offer classes everyday both in our beautiful yoga studio and via Zoom, so you would be more than welcome to join us. We also offer employee wellbeing services for your workplace, just get in touch.




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