Look at the Clouds: Remember to take a break

It’s a public holiday for most of us which means we may be blessed with some time off! If we’re lucky maybe even four days (nearly a whole working week 😉).⁣ ⁣ Did you know rest is just as important as the work? I bet you did, but do you actually live according to that rule? ⁣ ⁣ If the answer is no then let this be a sign. A little reminder for you over these next few days to take some guilt free time to relax and unwind. You could... ⁣ ⁣ 〰️ Lay on the grass and look at the clouds⁣ 〰️ Go for a walk without your phone (don’t look at us like that, try it 😉)⁣ 〰️ Take a bath and read a book⁣ 〰️ Write a story ⁣ 〰️ Paint ⁣ 〰️ Build something ⁣ 〰️ Cook and Bake from scratch ⁣ 〰️ Practise Yoga or Yoga Nidra to calm your mind⁣ ⁣ There are so many things we can do to honour rest. What do you do to feel relaxed and rejuvenated? Let’s inspire each other to take time out, so we can reconnect stronger, happier and healthier. 😊

I know it seems obvious, but ask yourself when was the last time you truly put your feet up. (No slumping on the sofa and scrolling the web doesn't count), I mean real, genuine relaxation where your body and mind can actually switch off.

If you can't remember the last time you stopped and allowed yourself to take a bath, cook something from scratch, go for a walk without your phone, play with your children or have a date night with your spouse, then maybe this weekend it's time to disconnect to reconnect. Rest is just as important as work, which we all know, but seldom live by. So, here's your sign, whatever you choose to do this weekend, colour it with some time to truly unwind, you'll feel brighter for it, we promise. :)


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