Anna Reyburn: The benefits of Pilates

It’s widely known that Pilates helps build a strong core but what are some of the less well-known benefits?

Pilates trains your brain: To practice Pilates effectively you must focus and listen to instructions closely to ensure you’re getting the most out of each movement. Learning new activities is a proven brain-training technique so why not make that new thing Pilates?


Pilates alleviates tension in your body.  With the focus on movement, breath and mind body connection, Pilates allows you to tune into your body and release any tight areas. We often find students say they feel less coiled up, lengthened and relaxed after class which is always music to our ears!


Pilates helps you feel more confident! Regular Pilates will improve your physique, increases your body awareness and improves your posture which all leads you to feeling your best!


Pilates will elevate your performance in sports or other forms of exercise Whether you’re into golf or yoga,  Pilates builds a strong muscluature framework and rebalances the body which will help take your game or Chataranga to the next level. That’s why so many professional atheletes incorportate regular Pilates into their fitness programme like Sir David Beckham no less…


Written by Anna Reyburn

You can join Anna’s Pilates Core + Restore class every Wednesday 7.30-8.30pm


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