Benefits of Morning Yoga


Are you an early riser? Do you find morning routines a schlep or an essential part of your wellbeing?

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, have a look at some of our pointers below, we might just inspire you to climb out of the bed an hour or so earlier...

Early morning yoga will invigorate you for the rest of the day.

You’ve heard of Sun Salutations right? They’re designed to invigorate the body and mind, waking us up gently as we move through flexion and extension and into subtle inversions.

Morning Yoga quite literally wake us up. The blood circulation starts flowing and that morning fog starts to lift.

As we focus on the physical postures we become aware and aligned and so during balances, inversions and twists we begin to find clarity. This clarity then follows us into our day - ultimate brain power.

Morning’s are a wonderful opportunity to set an intention at the beginning of your day. How do you want to live your day today? Start it right, with an intention from the heart.

Have you tried Morning Yoga? Or are you strictly not a morning person? Why not challenge yourself to try a morning yoga class? You might find that the benefits outweigh the morning fog. :)

We have a range of AM classes. Mondays-Fridays: 7.30am or 9/9.30am starts Saturday: 8.30am starts

See you there bright and early. ☼


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