Hydrate in the Morning, Before your Coffee Fix

We know how easy it is to roll out of bed in the morning and reach staright for the kettle. We wait patiently for the 'click' to tell us the kettle's boiled and then we eagerly scoop out a large helping of 'the sacred beans'... Coffee.

Believe me, we're all guilty of it. I mean who wants to drink water in the morning anyway? At night, we may visualise ourselves in the morning in our 'perfect self' form. The person who wakes us up effortlessly, fills a glass full with water and then adds in a segment of lemon.

But let's face it, does this ever really happen?

If it does for you, then that's brillaint and keep going! But for most of us who struggle getting into the good habit of hydrating before we caffeinate, keep reading because you'll want to after this post...

You may have heard we're made up of 60% water. All our organs, tissues and millions of cells depend on water to function effectively. Let's repeat that, 'depend on water to fucntion effectively'. That means if we're dehyrdated we are not functioning at our optimal rate.

Our bodies tell us when we're dehydrated. Here's some of the warning signs:

Dry mouth Headaches Poor sleep Fatigue Poor performance Lack of concentration Bad skin Urine that is darker than usual

But we never really want to get to that point. We want to be hydrated throughout the day.

At the night, we don't hours for hours while we sleep, so this is why is exceptionally important we hydrate upon waking up. Are you normally quite thirsty when you initially wake up? Us too. Drink water people!

Don't forget you can also get water from foods during the day, especially whole foods!

So listen, we're not saying don't drink coffee. We LOVE coffee. We're just saying, quench your thirst first with Water and then go grind those beans!

Happy Hydrating, Happy Functioning! :)


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