What is Meditation?


Meditation (#Dhyāna in #Sanskrit) is the 7th limb of yoga.

It builds on the other limbs #Yamas & #Niyamas (ethical guidelines for living life), #Asana (physical practice), #Pranayama (breath control), #Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses, focus internally / meditation), and #Dharna (concentration).

Dhyana (meditation) is the 7th limb and the penultimate stage before Samadhi or “absorption. It is sustained concentration and unshakable presence.

Dhyana can be simply translated as “meditation.” But the word meditation has so many interpretations and connotations.

Actually, a lot of what we do in our own ‘meditation’ practice is actually concentration / limb 6, ‘Dharna’.

With Dhyana, we are cultivating a deep sense of concentration and awareness. We begin to acknowledge the Self (Atman, soul) and our connection with other living beings, and Ultimate Reality / god (Brahman).

In our meditation practice, we focus on a mental object, traditionally this was a deity (god), but can be a mantra, breath or sensation.

What we choose to focus on is not as important as developing the ability to concentrate on it.

The previous limbs are what support and prepare us to be able to meditate, focus the mind and eventually move towards Samadhi.

The 8 limbs provide a framework to live our lives with more balance and ease: live by your core values, create ease in your body, and focus your mind in the present.

In time, the eight limbs come full circle and “union” Samadhi can occur. It is hard to describe in words as it is an experience beyond the mind.

We host guided meditation classes:

9am Wednesdays @weriseyogalondon

5.30pm Sundays @sarahleighyoga

Book: www.afinebalance.me/timetable


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