Member Spotlight: Irene Tamboleo Alcaraz - my body feels so strong and it definitely helps with my anxiety!

Our Member Spotlight shines a little light on our members asking them to share a little about themselves. Hearing other people’s stories is inspiring especially when it relates to yoga ;-).

Thank you, Irene, for sharing yours - and for being part of the A Fine Balance community through the pandemic and beyond.

Name: Irene Tamboleo Alcaraz

Age: 32

3 words that describe you:

Intense, empathetic and sensible

How long have you been practicing yoga:

I started practicing yoga online when COVID started so around 2.5 years ago.

Why do you practice yoga:

I practice yoga because it helps me physically and mentally. I used to suffer from back pain due to working long shifts and since I started practicing yoga my back has improved so much. My body feels so strong and it definitely helps with my anxiety. I really don't know what I'd do without yoga in my life now!

What advice do you have for someone who is thinking about trying yoga?

My advice for someone who's thinking about starting practicing yoga is: just do it! Yoga is not only 'stretching' it is a lot more and different kind of yoga practice makes you feel different and work different part of the body.

What is your favourite thing about being an A Fine Balance Member?

I love a fine balance because it is proper yoga. All the teachers are different and it's not all about doing head stands like when you do yoga in a gym. Also I love the community that AFB has created, every one is so nice and kind!

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